Every student shall comply with the rules and regulations of the school so that he/she may benefit fully from the educational program, activities and facilities at her/his disposal:
1) Punctuality and regularity in attendance are essential. Students who have been absent the previous day must bring a note of explanation through ‘Leave application’. In case of illness, a Medical Certificate should also be sent. Students who expect to reach home late after School due to personal reasons must inform their parents/guardians in advance. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence from school, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour are considered to be grave acts of indiscipline on the part of a student which can lead to his/her rustication from the school. All students must attend the General Assembly in the morning.
2) Students arriving late habitually will be sent home. Latecomers must bring an application from their parents/guardians. Otherwise, they will be sent home.
3) Students must come to school in neatly laundered uniforms and polished shoes. The hair should be trimmed and the nail must be cut regularly. Trinkets, henna, bangles, payals, nail polish or tattoos should not be worn to school. Girls with long hair should make plaits.
4) Students are forbidden to carry objectionable literature or expensive items to school. School does not take any responsibility for lost articles, money etc.
5) Students are not permitted to carry cell phones, iPods, CDs, E-games, pen drives etc. If students are found carrying such items on the premises then these will be confiscated. They are not allowed to use the school phones without permission. They cannot call school officers to attend the phone calls during school hours.
6) Care must be taken of all school property and school belongings, and no student should scratch, spoil the desks or chairs, damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Negligent students will be charged for damage.
7) No student shall leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal or Teacher in charge and a gate pass. While moving in between the classes in the corridors and while using the staircase, all must keep to the left. Students should move in a way that no classes are disturbed. Loitering in the lobby and the office areas is strictly forbidden even during recess.
8) A student must speak in a decent language all the time. He/she must ensure that his/her speech is courteous. The use of foul and unparliamentary language is not acceptable.
9) If a child remains absent for more than 15 days re-admission fees will be charged. Leaves will be sanctioned based on a medical certificate.
10) Under no circumstances will crackers, fireworks, firearms and any other inflammable material be permitted in school.
11) Students are expected to bring the books according to the timetable. Neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of staff or bad moral influence will be strictly considered.
12) Any communication sent from the school should be conveyed to the parents promptly.
13) English is a second language for most of us, but it is also the medium of instruction. To acquire proficiency in spoken English, all students are expected to speak only in English at school and we request the parents to encourage the students to do so at home as well.
14) A student must extend courtesy and respect to all members of staff. Respect for elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Every child is expected to uphold the name and honour of the school. Students are not allowed to bully or intimidate other students, staff or teachers. In case of any problem, they are encouraged to contact the Counselor and/or the Principal for the redressal of complaints, if any.
15) No parents are allowed to enter the classroom for any reason without prior permission of the Principal.
16) Parents are not allowed to meet teachers during school hours without a prior appointment from the Principal.
17) Students suffering from any infectious disease must complete the quarantine period before rejoining School. This should be indicated on the medical certificate duly signed by a competent doctor.
18) All students shall bring the diary to school every day. Parents are expected to check the diary and sign wherever required.
19) Parents should not argue with the teachers/other students or the conductor/driver present in the conveyance. If there is any problem, a written complaint to the Principal or Administrative Office should be given.
20) All important announcements will be exhibited on the School notice board or sent through WhatsApp, from time to time and it is the duty of every student and their parents to see and check the same.